
To effectively meet sustainability and net-zero targets, all sectors of the global economy must decarbonise, in other words, reduce the carbon emissions that contribute to climate change. To jump-start and catalyse these goals, however, certain sectors and industries must be prioritised, notably those that are mass emitters of greenhouse gases, and therefore mass contributors to climate change. Of these sectors is transportation in its entirety, as it contributes to over a fifth of global emissions since most of the sector is still heavily dependent on fossil fuels. While light vehicles are the dominant category when analysing emissions distribution, due to prevalence and frequency of use, the aviation sector is also a considerable polluter with expected increases in emissions as the world’s demand increases.

Cutting down GHG emissions associated with livestock requires concerted research, and the development of technologies that can ensure cleaner methods of animal farming. In parallel, the world also needs to rethink its consumption patterns. While raising awareness is the first step towards altering the consumption of meat and dairy, the food industry will have to ensure the faster development and widespread distribution of alternatives to ensure a long-term change in consumer behavior.