
Leading Change for a Sustainable Future

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The region is future is full of challenges and opportunities. Climate change and the rise of the green economy can be either, depending how we approach them. We believe that positive change will come from having the right skill sets, ecosystem, and enabling factors in a key part of our societies: Government to craft the right policies, dedicate the right resources, and forge the right partners.

About Us

Leveraging Technology to enable 10 million climate champions in Middle East and Africa by 2030

An open learning platform, by the region, for the region, from the region. Dedicated to providing best-in-class, tailored, climate action capacity building programs in a mission-critical segment in our society: government. With local knowledge, experts, and cases, our focus is enabling better policy making in government . #SolvingForTomorrow

We focus on critical learning areas ranging from key topics in the green economy, to climate technology, and from intergenerational policy making, to sustainable finance. We also focus on key skills critical for the coming sustainability age like sustainable living and green government.

These programs aim to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to address the pressing climate challenges of our time. For government officials, these programs often focus on policy development, implementation, and monitoring, helping them understand the intricacies of sustainable development and how to integrate it into their decision-making processes.

Enabling a well-informed and skilled generation of leaders towards our sustainable regional future.

Our Programs

Introduction to Climate Change and Net Zero for Government

UAE Sustainability Fellowship

Introduction to Climate Technology: Top 10 Technologies for Climate Action

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Green Government Strategy

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The essentials of sustainability reporting

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Intergenerational Policy making: solving for today while protecting tomorrow

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"Intergenerational sustainability relies on collaboration among all stakeholders in our society: Government, Private Sector, and Civil Society. We focus on Government, to shape Attitudes, develop Skills, and create and share Knowledge."


Knowledge Sources

Access Original and Carefully Curated Case Studies, Papers, and Reports

November 1, 2023

This report showcases Baker Hughes' leadership in climate technology and inspire innovation and collective action. The report delves also into 100 prominent climate tech innovations from around the world, ranging from current technologies to unique and up and coming, cutting edge technologies.

November 1, 2023

The comprehensive report presents a diverse array of 52 biodiversity case studies from the United Arab Emirates, highlighting the rich ecological tapestry and conservation efforts within the region.

June 8, 2023

Agriculture accounts for almost 20% of the world’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and livestock alone uses 80% of total agricultural land.

August 2, 2022

There is no phenomenon that better describes “life imitating art” more than the invention of artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

December 6, 2022

Nature-based solutions (NbS) rely on the interactions and relationships that exist within natural ecosystems to provide us with multiple advantages.

January 30, 2023

The world watched closely as delegates of participatory parties from around the world discussed and negotiated matters regarding the future of development during the 27th Conference of Parties (COP27) in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt.

February 20, 2023

In the global race against the clock, the energy sectors of the world have been seeking alternatives to the most common source of power, fossil fuels.

April 4, 2023

To effectively meet sustainability and net-zero targets, all sectors of the global economy must decarbonise, in other words, reduce the carbon emissions that contribute to climate change.


Our faculty and experts and leading practitioners and academic in the region

Dr Yasar Jarrar
Managing Director, Sustainability Institute & Posterity Institute

H.E. Nasser Yassin
Minister of Environment, Lebanon

Ibrahim Al Z'ubi
Group Chief Sustainability Officer - ADNOC Group


Our Community Learning Events

Regional Seminars, Conferences, and Knowledge Exchange Events

Facilitating Nature-Based Solutions To Combat Climate Change

Nature-Based Solutions For Building Back Green

The Role Of Financial Institutions In Accelerating A Sustainable Future

Adopting Circular Economies To Accomplish Net Zero By 2050

How Can Sustainable Finance Be A Catalyst To Achieve The SDGs?

Reimagining The Oil And Gas Sector

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